Saturday, January 23, 2010

Convert a Windows ico file to a Macintosh icns file

I needed to convert a Windows platform standard ico format icon file to a Macintosh icns format icon file and didn't find any quick relevant details via Google.

Well, here is a little quick recipe for doing so without having to use any additional software, only what is already on your Macintosh. At least this worked just fine on my Leopard machine so it should at least be able to be done on Leopard and Snow Leopard.

From the command line do the following, substituting in your relevant information.

pookie:tmp admin$ sips -s format tiff icon.ico --out icon.tiff
pookie:tmp admin$ tiff2icns -noLarge icon.tiff icon.icns

Friday, January 15, 2010

Bresenham's circle, Open GL and blowing holes in textures

Bresenham's circle algorithm is actually a variation on Bresenham's line drawing algorithm and as such it gets it's name, even though Bresenham didn't really invent the circle part.

Playing with destructable terrain I wanted to be able to blow circular holes in a texture. I succeeded by fetching a texture with Open GL and twiddling the bytes with the circle algorithm to do so.

The code below is in the spirit of what I did. Below is the main meat method on the algorthim, you might call it DrawFilledCircle() or some such.



Input Parameters:

Vector2 pos; // The position of the explosion/circle center in texture pixel space.
float radius; // The radius of the explosion/circle in pixels
unsigned char* buf; // The pixel array - pixels are in RGBA format
Texture* texure; // a texture or texture info pointer
Colour colour; // the colour RGBA that you want the circle to be

int width = texture->GetWidth();
int height = texture->GetHeight();

int left = int(pos.x - radius);
int right = int(pos.x + radius);
int top = int(pos.y + radius);
int bottom = int(pos.y - radius);

// check to see the circle will even touch the texture
if (!((left < width && right > 0) && (bottom < height && top > 0)))

int max_x = std::min(right, width);
int max_y = std::min(top, height);

int r = (int)radius;
int x = 0;
int y = r;

float p = 1 - r;

while (x < y)
if (p < 0)
x += 1;
p = p + 2 * x + 1;
x += 1;
y -= 1;
p = p + 2 * (x - y) + 1;
CircleLineFill(buf, width, -x + pos.x, y + pos.y, x*2, colour, max_x, max_y);
CircleLineFill(buf, width, -x + pos.x, -y + pos.y, x*2, colour, max_x, max_y);
CircleLineFill(buf, width, -y + pos.x, x + pos.y, y*2, colour, max_x, max_y);
CircleLineFill(buf, width, -y + pos.x, -x + pos.y, y*2, colour, max_x, max_y);

The next method is CircleLineFill. This is a slight variation of the normal algorithm that draws just the outline of a circle, it doesn't fill the circle. This method fills the entire circle, leaving the edges of the intersection with a black edge.

void CircleLineFill((unsigned char* buf, int width, int x, int y, int length, Colour col, int max_x, int max_y))
if ((y < 0 || y >= max_y) ||
(x + length < 0) ||
(x >= max_x ))

int right = std::min(x + length - 1, max_x);
int left = std::max(0, x + 1);

Colour* pixel = NULL;
if (x >= 0)
pixel = (Colour*)((char*)buf + (y * width * sizeof(Colour) + sizeof(Colour)*x));
if (pixel->a != 0)
*pixel = Colour(0, 0, 0, 255);
int dwords = right - left;
if (dwords > 0)
pixel = (Colour*)((char*)buf + (y * width * sizeof(Colour) + sizeof(Colour)*(left)));
memset(pixel, col.c, (dwords*sizeof(Colour)));
if (right > 0 && right < max_x)
pixel = (Colour*)((char*)buf + (y * width * sizeof(Colour) + sizeof(Colour)*(right)));
if (pixel->a != 0)
*pixel = Colour(0, 0, 0, 255);

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Byte Array to String in C# - Unity Debugging

While using C# and Unity, I found myself reading data straight from the network during (BinaryReader) a debugging session.

I was trying to work out why data was sent correctly from the server, but was being interpreted so different on the Unity client. I could easily see what bytes (in hex format) were generated by the python server(with the very useful command line debugging ability), but on Unity I needed to think for a second to determine how to display bytes nicely in a hex format for my serialized object.

The easiest way turned out to be as below.

// example byte array read from a binary stream
BinaryReader stream = new BinaryReader(buffer);
byte[] byteArray = stream.ReadBytes(3);

// import UnityEngine for Debug.Log

The output looks like as follows
